Tamara Rigishvili
Art That Lasts Forever

 by Icon Painter Tamara Rigishvili
  by Tamara Rigishvili
 by iconpainter Tamara Rigishvili

The  "Lord Almighty"  icon, also known as the "Golden Hair Savior"  (Spas Zlatie Vlasi), a unique and modern depiction of Jesus in iconography, featuring golden hair instead of the traditional dark color. This interpretation is based on a particular old and damaged icon that was kept in the Dormition Cathedral of the Kremlin in Moscow, and is not commonly seen in traditional iconography art and is considered a unique interpretation of Jesus's appearance. The image is striking and captivating, offering a fresh take on the familiar figure of Jesus. This golden-haired representation is an intriguing example of religious art. The reference to gold in icons symbolizes the divine radiance known as the "Uncreated Light" according to the Hesychasts. The icon bears an inscription derived from John 8:12, which reads "I am the Light of the World. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life".

I received an order for the "Golden Hair Savior" icon from London. The task was challenging, as I adhere strictly to the rules of iconography and approach innovations with caution to ensure a harmonious fusion of the new with established traditions. Nonetheless, the task was successfully completed by combining the traditional image of Christ with striking golden hair strands. 

All art images are copyrighted by Tamara Rigishvili and cannot be reproduced in any manner without her written permission.